Nurse Practitioner
Angelica McGough

Angelica McGough, DNP, MSN, has dedicated over a decade to improving patient health, with 11 years of practice under her belt. She holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree obtained in 2016 and a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) earned in 2013. Serving patients across ten states, Angelica is committed to helping individuals achieve optimal health through natural and safe hormone therapy.

Her passion lies in empowering patients to feel their best and allowing their bodies to function at their peak, offering proactive services that promote lifelong wellness. She believes in being proactive rather than reactive, focusing on correcting deficiencies and addressing toxic overloads to help patients thrive. Guided by the inspirational quote, "He must increase but I must decrease" (John 3:30), Angelica strives to help her patients find holistic healing.

In her personal life, Angelica enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, cuddling with her rescue greyhound, and continuously learning how to incorporate health into her daily life and her patients' lives.

Why are you passionate about hormone health?

I am passionate about patients feeling their best and letting their body function at it's best. Hormone therapy allows them to do that naturally and safely. I am thrilled to be able to offer proactive services to help optimize health throughout the lifespan.

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