Before booking your appointment, take 5 minutes to tell us about your symptoms
This clinical assessment captures vital information to help your provider form a diagnosis
Book Telehealth Appointment
Book a 40-min appointment to get your questions answered by a board-certified provider
Discuss our BHRT and TRT treatment options for you
Money-back if we can’t help you
Build Treatment Plan
Build a personalized treatment plan that suits your hormone needs
We will complete a verification of health insurance benefits for Thrively
Lab work will be ordered as needed
Rx Delivered to Your Door
No more long lines at the pharmacy with prescription delivery
Discreet packaging and delivery in 7-10 days
Prescriptions are always compounded in the United States
What people are saying
Sarah knowledgeable and easy to talk to! She makes this experience empowering and not scary. The providers are wonderful and your life will change for the better!
I am so relieved that I found someone to help me with menopause and hormones. I can't thank Kris and Theresa enough for helping me and providing the bloodwork I needed! I would recommend thrive to everyone that is suffering!
Thrivelab has facilitated a forward motion in my health that I had given up on. With clear explanation of each step and caring practitioners, I am hopeful my health will improve.
Thrivelab doctors actually listen to my concerns and try to help me. They have helped me grow my hair back, have more energy. They offer a plethora of services to assist women.
My provider was very professional and caring. She reviewed and explained all my lab results and asked about my progress with new medications. Great experience always.