Science, Simplified

Testosterone Therapy in Women: Debunking Myths and Unveiling Benefits

Testosterone therapy in women has been a topic of debate and confusion. Despite the increasing prescription of testosterone therapy for men, there are still many misunderstandings and concerns surrounding its use in women. In this blog post, we will address common myths and misconceptions about testosterone therapy in women and provide accurate information supported by scientific evidence. By clarifying these misconceptions, we aim to highlight the vital role of testosterone in women's physical and mental health and shed light on the potential benefits of testosterone therapy for cardiac health and mood stabilization.

1. Myth: Testosterone is masculinizing.

Fact: Testosterone is the most abundant biologically active female hormone and plays a crucial role in women's health. However, testosterone therapy in women does not cause masculinization. Instead, it can help improve energy levels, libido, bone density, and muscle strength.

2. Myth: Testosterone therapy causes voice changes and hoarseness.

Fact: There is no evidence to support the belief that testosterone therapy causes voice changes or hoarseness in women. Such effects are typically associated with supraphysiological doses or anabolic steroid misuse, not with testosterone therapy under appropriate medical supervision.

3. Myth: Testosterone therapy negatively affects scalp hair growth.

Fact: Contrary to the myth, testosterone therapy can actually promote scalp hair growth in women. Testosterone plays a role in maintaining healthy hair follicles, and restoring hormone levels through therapy may have a positive impact on hair health.

4. Myth: Testosterone therapy poses cardiovascular risks.

Fact: Testosterone is believed to have cardiac protective effects in women. Research suggests that testosterone therapy may improve cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving markers such as lipid profile and blood pressure. However, it's essential to undergo thorough medical evaluation before starting testosterone therapy to ensure its appropriateness.

5. Myth: Testosterone therapy negatively impacts the liver and increases clotting factors.

Fact: Current evidence does not support the notion that parenteral testosterone therapy adversely affects the liver or increases clotting factors in women. However, regular monitoring and appropriate dosage adjustments are necessary to ensure safety and minimize any potential risks.

6. Myth: Testosterone therapy increases aggression.

Fact: Testosterone therapy in women does not lead to increased aggression. On the contrary, testosterone has been associated with mood stabilization and may have a positive impact on emotional well-being and overall quality of life.

7. Myth: Testosterone therapy is not breast protective.

Fact: Emerging evidence suggests that testosterone may have a protective effect on breast tissue. Studies have shown a potential reduction in breast cancer risk and improved breast health with testosterone therapy. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and establish guidelines.

8. Myth: Testosterone therapy is unsafe for women.

Fact: The safety of testosterone therapy in women is an area of ongoing research and investigation. While current evidence suggests that testosterone therapy can be safe and beneficial when prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, it is crucial to consult with a knowledgeable healthcare provider for an individualized evaluation and appropriate therapy.


By dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding testosterone therapy in women, we can provide accurate information and evidence-based recommendations for physicians and patients alike. Testosterone plays a vital role in women's physical and mental health, and therapy under medical supervision can potentially offer benefits such as improved cardiac health, mood stabilization, and overall well-being. It is important to consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in hormone therapy to determine the suitability and individualized approach to testosterone therapy in women.


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