Science, Simplified

How are bioidentical hormones made?

Bioidentical hormones are synthesized to have a molecular structure identical to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. They are typically derived from plant sources such as yams or soybeans. At Thrivelab, our bioidentical hormones are sourced from wild yams. Here is a general overview of how bioidentical hormones are made:

1. Sourcing:

Plant sources containing compounds that can be converted into hormones, such as diosgenin found in yams or soy isoflavones, are harvested.

2. Extraction:

The active compounds are extracted from the plant sources using various methods, including solvent extraction or steam distillation.

3. Conversion:

The extracted compounds, such as diosgenin, undergo a chemical conversion process in the laboratory to convert them into hormones that are structurally identical to human hormones. For example, diosgenin can be converted into progesterone, which is a precursor for other hormones like estrogen and testosterone.

4. Purification:

The synthesized hormones are purified to remove any impurities or contaminants, ensuring the final product is of high quality and meets safety standards.

5. Formulation:

The purified hormones are then formulated into various dosage forms such as creams, gels, capsules, or patches, depending on the specific requirements of the treatment.

It's important to note that the term "bioidentical" refers to the molecular structure of the hormones and not necessarily the method of production. Bioidentical hormones can be made through compounding pharmacies or manufactured in pharmaceutical facilities, following strict quality control standards.


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